Updated for 2025! Tap into unlimited free access to valuable information that will make your site selection and location decisions easier.


San Bernardino, CA: Global Reach, Local Appeal

San Bernardino, California
In southern California, the city of San Bernardino provides top notch logistics on a close-up scale. With San Bernardino's Director of Economic Development Ken Chapa.

Southwest Louisiana Offers Businesses The Resources To Succeed

Gus Fontenot, Director of Projects & Site Development, Southwest Louisiana Economic Development Alliance
An established energy hub with a vast transport network, Southwest Louisiana continues to flourish. With Gus Fontenot, Director of Projects & Site Development, Southwest Louisiana Economic Development Alliance.

Why Pennsylvania? A Q&A With PA DCED

This Mid-Atlantic state is full speed ahead meeting the needs of business in legacy and emerging industries. With Aaron Pitts, Chief Commercial Officer, Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development.

Why Antioch? A Q&A With The City Of Antioch, California

Antioch, California
The City of Antioch is a growing hub for economic vitality and opportunity in Northern California.

Maryland Is World-Class For Business

Kevin Anderson, Maryland Secretary of Commerce
Research facilities, an educated workforce, and east coast location are among the state's business assets, shares Maryland Secretary of Commerce Kevin Anderson.

Looking Forward In Louisiana

The Pelican State is building on its strong foundation of transportation and energy infrastructure, says Susan B. Bourgeois, Secretary, Louisiana Economic Development.

Why Arkansas? A Q&A With Clint O’Neal, Arkansas Economic Development Commission

Arkansas Economic Development
The natural state is diversifying its economy, along with a new site development program, shares Clint O’Neal, Executive Director, Arkansas Economic Development Commission.

Austin, TX Region Attracting Tech And Innovation

Investments into this Central Texas region are moving at the speed of global business, according to Stacey Schmitt, Opportunity Austin.

Why Michigan? A Q&A With Hilary Doe, Michigan Economic Development Corporation

The business climate in the Great Lakes State is full speed ahead for mobility, clean energy, and other growth industries, according to Hilary Doe, MEDC's Chief Growth & Marketing Officer.

Chicago Offers Robust Business Climate

With a clear view on what the future holds, a Chicagoland location is a strong base for business, according to Kyle Schulz, Chief Growth Officer, World Business Chicago.

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