Austin, Denver, New York Are Top Startup Ecosystems

Austin, Denver and New York are the cities with the top Startup Ecosystems in Business Facilities' 15th Annual Rankings Report.

startup ecosystemsAustin, Denver and New York are the cities with the top Startup Ecosystems in Business Facilities’ 15th Annual Rankings Report.

“The capital of Texas has everything you need to get a startup off the ground,” said BF Editor in Chief Jack Rogers.

“Austin is a dynamic, cosmopolitan city that established its high-tech bona fides years ago. It’s got a diverse workforce with the skills that are needed in tech-oriented startups and an eclectic cultural scene that draws new talent,” Rogers added.

Rounding out the top 10 in BF’s new Startup Ecosystems category are Houston, San Jose, Orlando, Nashville, Atlanta, Raleigh-Durham and Salt Lake City, respectively. The top 10 metros for startups each offer a growing skilled workforce, a mix of emerging growth sectors and the quality of life that amplifies talent attraction, Rogers said.

“Nashville has become a thriving healthcare hub that is drawing a lot of healthcare-oriented startups to Tennessee’s capital,” Rogers noted. “With a quality of life that’s second to none, put a big up arrow next to Nashville in this category.”

Phoenix, San Antonio, Fort Worth, Seattle and Charlotte are the top five Fastest Growing Cities by population, respectively, in BF’s 15th Annual Rankings Report.

Business Facilities is a national publication that has been the leading location source for corporate site selectors and economic development professionals for more than 50 years.

The view the complete 2019 BF Rankings Report, including state, metro and international results are available online.


Arizona, Biotech, Capital Investment, Colorado, Economic Development, Featured, Industries, Industry Clusters/Hubs, New York, North Carolina, Press Releases, R&D/Incubators, Site Selection Factors, Texas, USA - Far West, USA - Mid Atlantic, USA - Rocky Mountains, USA - Southeast, USA - Southwest, Washington, Workforce Development

2019 Metro Rankings, Austin, Charlotte, corporate expansion, Denver, Economic Development, Fastest Growing Cities, Fort Worth, metro rankings, New York (NY), Phoenix, Rankings, San Antonio, Seattle, startup ecosystems

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