May / June 2022 Issue (Volume 55, Number 3)

Business Facilities' May / June 2022 issue focuses on workforce development, including STEM, higher education partnerships, quality of life, and more.

First Word: The People Part Of The Equation

The Great Resignation brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic has impacted the workforce paradigm. As employees evaluate where they want to work, where they want to live, and how they want to spend their time, companies of all shapes and sizes have found themselves with a talent shortage. Companies are struggling to find talent, and when relocating or expanding operations the availability of a skilled workforce is a top concern.

Anne Cosgrove, Editorial Director, Business Facilities

In this issue, you’ll find coverage of workforce development programs—and a sampling of locations laser-focused on ensuring the talent pipeline is flowing. A companion piece on STEM Leaders hones in on regions where education and training in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics are having significant success.

Meanwhile, growing awareness of the need for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives across society have pressed organizations to recognize the role of DEI goals. In 2021, the International Economic Development Council (IEDC) cemented its focus on equity with an Equitable Economic Development Playbook. IEDC described this as “a multi-year project.” Our cover story delves into how communities and all stakeholders can start thinking about equitable development.   

And with that, I’d like to take the opportunity to recognize a talent right here on our Business Facilities team—LuAnn Rathemacher, our production manager for the past 36 years. You’ll see her listed toward the top of the masthead for the last time as she retires at the end of May. The entire team wishes LuAnn the very best as she literally sails into the sunset on her beloved boat. For the better part of four decades, she has been a linchpin for this magazine (and its two sister publications). We thank her for her service, her humor, and patience!

Business Facilities May / June 2022 Issue

May / June 2022 Issue


Building An Equity-Driven Workforce | Diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives are increasingly visible to level the playing field for workforce growth and economic gains for all.


Workforce Development to Get The Job Done | For companies considering where to relocate or expand, the ability to tap into a quality workforce is a priority.

STEM Leaders: This Will Be On The Test | Across the U.S., locations partner with educational entities to foster science, technology, engineering, and math skills to fill labor market demand.

When The (Work) Day Is Through | Choosing a place that offers a wide variety of recreation and leisure options is key to your next location.

Georgia Governor’s Report: Growth In Georgia Pushes Forward | The Peach State is leading in The Great Recovery with record-breaking job creation with advanced infrastructure and a talented workforce.

LiveXChange Streamlines Site Searches | Business Facilities’ annual event for site selectors this past April paved the way for LiveXchange Emerging Industries this Fall.


Higher Education Partnerships: Closing The Gap | Colleges and universities are making a clear impact on business today, especially when it comes to workforce training.

Locations For eCommerce And Distribution: Made To Order | As consumer buying patterns evolve, location-related assets for these businesses are also shifting.

Business Diversity Abounds In Virginia | Solid education, infrastructure, workforce programs, and resilient business climate are leading reasons attracting investment.

Delaware: Small But Mighty | The second smallest state by area, Delaware’s might lies in its location, tax climate, and more.

North Central Florida: Low Cost, High Opportunity | Talented workforce and robust infrastructure positions North Central Florida for strong industrial growth.

Massachusetts: Investing In The Future | Across Massachusetts, funding for higher education and STEM programs support next generation workers.

Growing In Nebraska | Revitalization funding boosts job training, small business growth, and affordable housing, while data mining finds a home in the Cornhusker State.

Nevada: Pot Of Gold | People once flocked to Nevada for its silver and gold; today, it’s the robust economy and quality of life.

New Hampshire: A New England Gem | New Hampshire may be among the smallest U.S. states, but it packs a big punch.

Sustainability Industry Focus | The growing green markets across the U.S. and Canada include recycling operations and electric vehicles.


Arkansas: Strong As Steel | Significant steel industry projects are in the works, but that’s not all that is happening in the state.

South Carolina: Full Steam Ahead | Across the Palmetto State, growth remains strong, with notable projects landing on its Atlantic coastline.


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Arkansas, Delaware, Economic Development, Energy & Water, Florida, Industries, Industry Clusters/Hubs, Magazine, Massachusetts, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, Recent Issues, Site Selection Factors, South Carolina, USA - Far West, USA - Great Plains, USA - Mid Atlantic, USA - New England, USA - Southeast, Virginia, Workforce Development

Anne Cosgrove, BF-May/June-2022, Business Incentives, Capital Investment, corporate expansion, diversity equity and inclusion, Economic Development, First Word, Manufacturing, recent issues, Site Selection, Sustainability, Workforce Development

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