U.S.-based Samtec will expand its operations and hire 150 new employees in Alajuela, Costa Rica, adding to its current team of 1,010. Additionally, as part of its efforts to help with the health emergency caused by COVID-19, the company will donate 800 N95 face masks to the Costa Rican health authorities along with $25,000. The funds are being delivered through an initiative led by the Costa Rican-American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM), which has set a goal of collecting $750,000 for buying 130 diagnostic kits and 4,000 tests for detecting the novel coronavirus.

Located in Zeta Free Trade Zone in Alajuela and as part of the advanced manufacturing sector, Samtec designs components for medical devices such as respirators and ventilators, part of the key equipment for treating COVID-19 patients in intensive care.
“The Samtec Costa Rica plant accounts for 20% of all company production worldwide. Costa Rica’s geographical location and political stability, and, of course, our people’s talent have made this plant not only the largest, in terms of production, but also the one geared for the corporation’s new products,” explained José Sánchez, general manager of Samtec Costa Rica.
“The pandemic affecting the world, and the way the Costa Rican government has taken decisions to manage the crisis, has given Samtec even more confidence in this country and fueled its desire to continue growing locally, especially in the area of connectors for the medical industry, so we are hiring 150 people for different jobs,” he added.
The new employees will work on assembly and manual or machine production of electronic components for different applications and types of industry. Job requirements include a high school degree or third year of college, with or without prior experience in a similar industry.
Given the Health Ministry’s measures of keeping to a 50% capacity in workplaces where working from home is not possible, Samtec has developed strict protocols for both onboarding and daily performance of duties and responsibilities to ensure the wellbeing of its employees and their families.
Founded in 1976 in Indiana, Samtec has customers in more than 125 countries, production plants in 24 countries, and more than 5,000 employees around the world. In Costa Rica, the company creates electronic connectors that supply the medical industry and other needs, such as connectivity.
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