Posted by Heidi Schwartz
Faurecia Emissions Control Technologies (FECT), a global manufacturer of automotive emissions control systems with North American headquarters based in Columbus, IN, announced plans to expand its operations there with a new production facility. The plan will create up to 131 new jobs.

now being used by Faurecia for muffler shells to provide a perfect underbody fit.
“Indiana’s robust manufacturing sector is one of the key drivers of our economy,” said IN Gov. Mike Pence. “Faurecia’s decision to expand here in Indiana confirms the value our state offers businesses and reinforces the Hoosier State’s status as an automotive manufacturing leader.”
Faurecia will invest $61 million to equip an approximately 400,000-square-foot manufacturing facility adjacent to the company’s existing research and development (R&D) center. The company will allocate another $11.8 million to lease the state-of-the-art building, which will be used to produce a new line of emission control systems for the automotive sector. Set on 36 acres of land purchased from Columbus Board of Aviation, Faurecia expects to break ground on the new facility later this year.
The company, which currently employs 1,635 Hoosiers between its manufacturing and R&D center operations in Columbus, plans to begin hiring for a variety of engineering and production positions in 2017.
“Faurecia is a proud member of the Columbus community, and we’re pleased to expand our already significant presence in the area with this new facility and new opportunities for local job seekers,” said Dave DeGraaf, president of FECT. “While we considered several other communities for this new operation, our decision to continue to grow in Columbus is a direct result of both the quality of the skilled workforce here and the important considerations we’ve received from the state and city governments.”
The FECT Business Group is the global market leader for light and commercial vehicles, offering advanced solutions for emissions control as well as acoustic treatment, weight reduction and exhaust heat recovery. FECT recognizes the importance of meeting environmental standards and has responded to the public’s growing concerns with a comprehensive product portfolio, including Catalytic converters, emissions control systems, mufflers, manifolds and complete exhaust systems.
The Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC) offered Faurecia Emission Control Technologies up to $1,500,000 in conditional tax credits based on the company’s job creation plans. In addition, the IEDC will provide the city of Columbus with up to $250,000 in infrastructure assistance from the state’s Industrial Development Grant Fund. The city of Columbus approved additional incentives at the request of the Columbus Economic Development Board.
“The new facility planned by Faurecia Emissions Control Technologies will provide substantial employment opportunities for our community and reaffirms that the city of Columbus is a strong partner in helping local businesses grow,” said Columbus Mayor Kristen Brown. “We greatly appreciate Faurecia’s continued investment in our city.