IVC US Invests $70 million in Dalton, GA

IVC US is investing $70 million in an upgrade of its Dalton, GArnfacility, installing what it says will be the longest vinyl productionrnline in the world. IVC Group unveiled plans for construction ofrnits new IVC US, Inc. headquarters to include manufacturing andrndistribution facilities. The 520,000 sq. ft. facility — which morernthan doubles the size of ... Read more

IVC US is investing $70 million in an upgrade of its Dalton, GArnfacility, installing what it says will be the longest vinyl productionrnline in the world.

IVC Group unveiled plans for construction ofrnits new IVC US, Inc. headquarters to include manufacturing andrndistribution facilities. The 520,000 sq. ft. facility — which morernthan doubles the size of the present IVC US Dalton, GA location — is arngreenfield project being developed on a 44-acre campus off I-75 exitrn328 along connector 3.

”This is a key strategic decision forrnus,” said Filip Balcaen, chairman, IVC Group ”It is a clear signal ofrnour long term commitment to the U.S. market and our desire forrncontinued industry leadership.”

Once in operation, IVC US will be adding more than 100 employees, bringing total local employment to over one hundred and fifty.

JanrnVergote, CEO IVC Group, adds, ”The current success of our IVC productrnand service model in the United States is a solid basis for futurerngrowth which warrants the $70-million capital investment. Thisrninvestment will further propel IVC US to a leading position in therndomestic sheet vinyl industry.”

IVC US CEO, Xavier Steyaert,rncommented ”Our new state of the art manufacturing plant will featurernthe industry’s latest technological advances and will run the longestrnvinyl line in the world. First products are expected to roll out of thernnew plant in January 2011, and will mark the beginning for IVC productsrn- made in the USA.”

The new venture will not only benefit thernlocal community but also the company’s customers nationwide. StefaanrnDebusschere, VP Marketing and Sales explains ”manufacturing locallyrnwill offer tremendous advantages for our network of distributors andrnretailers across North America. This investment will give our customersrnthe availability of special request designs, shorter time to market andrnlarger selection of products, widths, and finishes.”

IVC US,rnInc. operates its current headquarters and distribution center inrnDalton, GA and a West coast distribution center in Rancho Cucamonga,rnCA, providing its network of distributors and retailers with a widernrange of cushioned back sheet vinyl products manufactured in Belgiumrnand Luxembourg.

IVC US Inc.’s parent company, the IVC Group is arnprivately owned Belgian company established in 1997 with headquartersrnin Avelgem, Belgium. IVC Group is the largest residential sheet vinylrnmanufacturer in Europe, manufacturing high quality flexible fiberglassrnflooring in Belgium and Luxembourg, with sales across the globe.


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