Answer: It’s the best two days out of the office any executive searching for an expansion opportunity could spend. Read on to find out how to be invited.
Business Facilities LiveXchange 2008 Essential Information
When: November 9-11, 2008
Where: The Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach Resort & Spa in Huntington Beach, CA
Who: All executives tasked with moving a corporate expansion, relocation, or consolidation project forward
Cost: Two days of your time out of the office. Complimentary airfare, lodging, and meals available for readers who sign up early.
How: Visit and choose Executive Registration to apply for an invitation. Space will be very limited, so it works to your advantage to commit early.
Questions? Contact Donna Venito, Event Manager, at 800-524-0337, ext. 235 or
Yes, the venue is outstanding, your costs are covered, and the excitement in the air is palpable. But what Business Facilities magazine readers gush about most after attending the annual Business Facilities LiveXchange is how much they learned in such a short span of time. Attendees arrive on a Sunday morning, are golfing with the locations they wanted to meet by noon, and have collected a stack of business cards from the nation’s leading location consultants, economic developers, and peers from the corner office by the time dinner is over. That’s all before the real work—rapid fire one-to-one meetings with locations from around North America—begins Monday morning.
By Tuesday evening, attendees are back in the air, ready to hit the office the next morning armed with knowledge about the best places to consider for their expansion or relocation. That knowledge extends beyond facts and figures on workforce, property costs, education, and business climate—it’s also knowledge of exactly who to contact at each location. You could spend a year reading Business Facilities magazine—an activity I wholeheartedly recommend if you’re serious about a corporate expansion—but you still wouldn’t get the educational and networking opportunities that you can only find at LiveXchange.
Part of what makes LiveXchange totally different from any conventional event you’ve attended is your role in the creation of a schedule that maximizes your time. You tell us which locations interest you the most; which seminars, workshops, and think-tanks best meet your needs; and what sort of expansion or relocation you have in mind. You’ll enter this information into a custom-built online registration center; the locations attending LiveXchange will use the same system to indicate their interest in meeting you. The educational session-leaders also use the system to set the parameters for their seminars, workshops, and think-tanks. The result is a personalized, best-fit itinerary handed to you when you check-in at LiveXchange on November 9.
Don’t let this event pass you by in 2008. If you’re benefiting from Business Facilities magazine, you’ll benefit tremendously from Business Facilities LiveXchange.