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At DED, we are devoted to supporting businesses and helping them create jobs. Employers can easily access us and our services, as they and their employees get to live, work, and play in a place where millions come to vacation every year.

New England: Building On Strong Foundations

New England
New England comprises an educated workforce and innovative resources to support businesses in both legacy and emerging industries.

BF Editors’ Blog: 2024 Solar Eclipse Economic Impact & Where To Watch

From the economic impact to opportunities to travel with family and friends to maximize the experience, anticipation is going strong across North America.

National Movers Study: Where Did Americans Move In 2023?

Lower costs are drawing Americans to the Southeast and less expensive metros, finds United Van Lines’ 47th Annual National Movers Study.

EDA Announces 31 Tech Hubs Across U.S. 

New Tech Hubs program will drive regional innovation and job creation by strengthening a region’s capacity to manufacture, commercialize, and deploy technology.

California Is Tops, Maine Is Most Improved In Energy Efficiency

California's energy efficiency policies and efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions earn it the #1 spot on ACEEE's 2022 State Energy Efficiency Scorecard.

25 Towns Chosen For Outdoor Recreation Economic Boost

The Recreation Economy for Rural Communities (RERC) program administered by the U.S. EPA, USDA's Forest Service, the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC), and the Northern Border Regional Commission (NBRC) identified 25 communities.

OnLogic Plans New High Tech Global HQ In Vermont

Industrial computer manufacturer plans to build new Vermont headquarters, open an office in North Carolina, and expand operations in the Netherlands, Malaysia and Taiwan.

Post-Pandemic Industrial Parks: Risk-Resilient, Resource Efficient

Industrial parks can mitigate social, health and environmental risks by embracing a resource-efficient eco-industrial concept.

Apple To Invest $430B Across U.S. Over Next Five Years

Apple will build a new $1B North Carolina campus, and make job-creating investments in advanced manufacturing and clean energy throughout the country.

Half Of U.S. States To See Minimum Wage Increases In 2021

Many states will make changes to their minimum wage laws in 2021; greatest impacts will be seen in California, Washington and Florida.

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