Siemens and Chromalloy Gas Turbine Corporation celebrated the grand opening of their new joint venture, Advanced Airfoil Components, in Hillsborough County, FL today. The 210,000-square-foot casting facility represents a capital investment of $139 million and will create 350 jobs in the Tampa Bay area.
“Advanced Airfoil Components’ new facility demonstrates Siemens’ commitment to delivering state-of-the-art technology solutions for our power and gas customers in the United States and throughout the world,” said Lisa Davis, CEO Energy, Siemens AG. “Not only does this joint venture help reduce costs and support our supply chain needs, but it will create 350 high-wage, skilled positions, including technical engineers, manufacturing technicians and production workers and expand Siemens more than 5,000 employees footprint in Florida.”
“Advanced Airfoil Components is proud to exclusively deliver innovative, high-tech casting components for Siemens gas turbines at this new, state-of-the-art site,” said Kevin Updegrove, CEO, Advanced Airfoil Components. “The new space will allow Advanced Airfoil Components to grow this new business with Siemens and Chromalloy, taking our partnership to the next level.”

The project reflects Chromalloy’s continuing investment in Florida, which includes five locations and over 700 employees.
“Chromalloy is committed to advancing the technological development and job growth in the aerospace and energy industries throughout Florida,” said Tom Mepham, CEO of Sequa Corporation, the parent company of Chromalloy. “Our collaboration with Siemens in the creation of Advanced Airfoil Components is a natural progression in our partnership that will ensure success and financial profitability in this market space.”
Florida ranks among the nation’s top 10 states for manufacturing and is home to over 19,000 manufacturers. More than 331,000 Floridians work in the state’s manufacturing industries and the state’s schools, community colleges, and universities are among the nation’s top producers of STEM graduates. In 2018, U.S. News & World Report ranked Florida the No. 1 state for higher education for the second consecutive year.
“Enterprise Florida is proud that Siemens and Chromalloy decided to locate the Advanced Airfoil Components headquarters and manufacturing facility in Tampa and create 350 jobs for Florida families,” said Peter Antonacci, CEO of Enterprise Florida, Inc. “Thank you for your commitment to an investment in Florida.”

Cissy Proctor, executive director of the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity said, “Under Governor Scott’s leadership, Florida has worked hard to create a strong, business-friendly environment, and it shows when global companies like Siemens continue to expand in our state. We are excited for the opportunities these new jobs will bring hardworking Florida families.”
“Manufacturing has a long history in Hillsborough County and continues to be a target industry for us because it’s a source of innovation for a wide range of industries and offers high growth potential for our local economy,” said Craig J. Richard, CEcD, FM, President and CEO of Tampa Hillsborough Economic Development Corporation. “The addition of Advanced Airfoil Components will bring great prestige to Hillsborough County, and we are committed to supporting them as they establish and grow their operations here.”
The project was made possible through partnerships between Enterprise Florida, the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity, Hillsborough County, and the Tampa Hillsborough Economic Development Corporation.
Expanding Your Business In Florida
Considering Florida for your company’s relocation or expansion project? Check out Business Facilities’ Florida Incentives and Workforce Development Guide.