The September / October 2024 Issue
Cybersecurity: Site Selection Considerations | Information security concerns impact all industries. Utilizing resources across the public and private sectors help lead to the best locations.
The AI Landscape & Location Decisions | As society moves into the future with artificial intelligence tools, companies are exploring how to apply the technology.
Illinois Governor’s Report | In the Land of Lincoln, Governor JB Pritzker is taking the state’s economy to the future with incentives that are attracting investments in quantum and EVs, as well as traditional industries.
Top Innovation Hubs | As companies develop their next product or service, access to the multiple resources available in innovation hubs are valuable. Here is a sampling of what these types of hubs have to offer.
Great Medicine, Great Locations | As the biotech and pharmaceuticals industries thrive, finding the right sites is crucial to success.
Innovating The Chips Landscape | The state of the semiconductor industry is evolving, and ecosystems are growing.
The Logistics Industry: Overcoming The Obstacles | With challenging conditions for logistics activities, companies are making decisions to meet the moment.
Plenty Of Charge Left | It’s forward movement for the electric vehicle industry, with technology and infrastructure developments.
Expanding The STEM Talent Pipeline | Education and employers collaborate to develop the skillsets required by today’s manufacturers.
Arizona’s Bright Future | Activity in emerging industries prove the Grand Canyon State is innovating for the next generation.
New England: Building On Strong Foundations | This U.S. region offers an educated workforce and resources that support businesses across industries.
Texas Is Open For Business | Job growth in the Lone Star State continues its record pace, as companies expand and relocate there.
Pennsylvania Incentives Help Attract Business | The Keystone State has launched a long-term economic development plan for significant growth.
Industry Productivity Fuels Utah | Industry is finding opportunity amidst the pro-business environment of the Beehive State.
Alabama: Building A Diverse Economy | Companies are choosing the Yellow Hammer State for location, workforce, and more.
Florida: Propelling Economic Growth | Businesses are on the move with job growth, infrastructure, and statewide initiatives.
New York: Workforce Programs On The Rise | Talent development initiatives have been unveiled across the state for a range of industries.
Virginia: At The Ready For Business | With a site development program gaining momentum and infrastructure to support, the Commonwealth is moving forward.
Why…? Antioch, CA | The City of Antioch is a growing hub for economic vitality and opportunity in northern California.
Q&A: Maryland Is World-Class For Business | Research facilities, an educated workforce, and East Coast location are among the state’s assets, according to Maryland Secretary of Commerce Kevin Anderson.
The Last Word: Hydrogen | Jamie Newell, Strategic Development Consultant at EastwardH2, explores the significant role hydrogen plays towards decarbonization efforts as companies transition to sustainable energy systems.
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It’s All Connected, With Tech

It’s been 25 years since the “Y2K bug” had the world in fearful anticipation as to whether or not computers across the globe would adapt to a four-digit year format when January 1, 2000 arrived. The worry stemmed from the potential clash of the four-digit 2000 format compared to the two-digit year format utilized by early coders (99, rather than 1999). Would computers revert to 00, and interpret the year as 1900?
As the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History states: “The fear was that when clocks struck midnight on January 1, 2000, affected computer systems, unsure of the year, would fail to operate and cause massive power outages, transportation systems to shut down, and banks to close.”
The prevalence of technology in society in 1999 was broader than ever before. In 2024, the tech landscape is vastly different, while there remain familiar themes of opportunity, exploration, and risk.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is enabling a steady stream of positive developments, while potential users across all industries are exploring how they might benefit from the technology. Meanwhile, cybersecurity remains a significant concern, and companies are seeking resources to fortify their systems, processes, and overall business. The articles on AI and cybersecurity in this issue highlight areas focused on these types of discoveries. Meanwhile, the Top Innovation Hubs article showcases a variety of locations that foster discovery across both the public and private sectors.
Business Facilities will continue to explore locations that are making moves in the realms of AI, cybersecurity, and beyond. Send me note about what your company or community is exploring in this space.