Companies looking to expand or relocate their operations can spend thousands of dollars traveling from state to state to find their ideal location. Business Facilities LiveXchange is the only event of the year where corporate executives and site selection consultants can meet one-on-one with location representatives in prescheduled 30-minute meetings, all under one roof and at no cost. There’s no more cost-effective way to start your location search than by attending LiveXchange April 6-8, 2014 at the Myrtle Beach Marriott Resort at Grande Dunes, Myrtle Beach, SC.
Over the course of three days, delegates will meet one-on-one with economic development agencies from prime locations across North America to discuss their upcoming projects. As an approved delegate, you’ll have the opportunity to decide which agencies you’d like to meet with and a personal agenda will be provided to ensure that your time is spent in the most effective manner possible.
The event also includes a world-class conference program led by experts in the field of relocation and expansion. Plus, delegates will have the opportunity to network with economic development representatives and top real estate consultants over a game of golf, at the NASCAR Experience and during three-course meals and cocktail receptions.
Don’t miss out on your opportunity to attend the 2014 Business Facilities LiveXchange!