Updated for 2025! Tap into unlimited free access to valuable information that will make your site selection and location decisions easier.


The Best Things In Life Are Nearby

Outdoor activities, cultural amenities, and more attract business leaders and employees.

Retailers Adapting To The Market

Shifting priorities are impacting the way consumers want to shop, and retailers are changing their site selection in response.

When The (Work) Day Is Through

Choosing a place that offers employees quality of life with a wide variety of recreation and leisure options is key to your next location.

Illinois: Building The Future In The Land Of Lincoln

With a talent pool approaching 7 million—a third of whom hold a bachelor’s degree or higher—Illinois has the skill sets needed to fill 21st-century jobs.

Illinois: The Intersection Of Talent And Innovation

A great logistics network and a world-class education system enable the Land of Lincoln to generate the fifth-highest GDP among states.

U.S. Manufacturing: All The Way Back

The U.S. manufacturing sector finally has regained the output levels lost during the Great Recession. But an exceptionally tight labor market might put a damper on the celebration.

Illinois: Renewing The Midwest

Illinois’ Future Energy Jobs Act (FEJA) is attracting a number of renewable energy companies looking to reap the benefits of the legislation.

Advanced Manufacturing: The Cobots Are Coming

Collaborative robots (a.k.a. cobots), designed to work alongside human workers, are the next big thing in advanced manufacturing. More than 150,000 cobots will be in use by 2020, a number expected to exceed 700,000 by 2025.

Illinois Revives Premier Corporate Tax Incentives

Gov. Bruce Rauner has signed legislation reinstating the Economic Development for a Growing Economy incentives program (EDGE), a vital tool in winning big-ticket projects.

Illinois: Unveiling the Future of Digital Design and Manufacturing

Chicago’s new National Innovation Institute, built with $70 million in federal funding, is paving the way for the advanced manufacturing breakthroughs of the 21st century.
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