Experience what executives from Fortune 500 companies such as General Electric. ADP, DuPont and Toyota have known for 10 years: If you’re searching for new locations for your business, you need to attend Business Facilities LiveXchange. Registration for next year’s LiveXchange event, which will take place April 6-8, 2014 at the Myrtle Beach Marriott Resort at Grande Dunes, Myrtle Beach, SC, is now open. In just two days out of the office, LiveXchange will provide you with the strategic, practical information you need to make intelligent location choices. During the event you will: Meet personally with senior economic developers from across North America to discuss your location needs Attend seminars, workshops, and think tanks led by experts in the field of relocation Network with other delegates, leading site selection consultants and economic development representatives. All approved delegates are entitled to complimentary deluxe accommodations and meals at the Myrtle Beach Marriott Beach Resort and a $350 travel stipend. Click here to register today!