Oak Ridge has been tagged as the preferred site for Orano’s new uranium enrichment facility. The multi-billion-dollar project represents the single largest investment in Tennessee history. Plus, PPE maker Radians expands its Memphis headquarters.
When the Coronavirus arrived in Ohio, Governor Mike DeWine was ready. Putting public health first, Ohio quickly established best practices for staying safe and strong, a blueprint for its recovery.
PRIMED is searching for a location for a domestic production hub and Centre of Excellence for North American personal protective equipment (PPE) production.
Economic development organizations and local businesses keep finding inspiring and innovative ways to join forces to meet the most urgent needs of this unprecedented crisis.
The COVID-19 crisis is bringing out the best in communities from coast to coast. Economic development organizations are giving small businesses financial lifelines. They’re also teaming up with local businesses to create a supply chain for critical medical supplies.
Since launching in early May, the Indiana Small Business PPE Marketplace has received nearly 20,000 orders for personal protective equipment (PPE) and has fulfilled 10,000 orders.