The package delivery and supply chain management solutions company will invest at least $1.4 billion to expand its operations to four locations in Pennsylvania.
The 175,000-square-foot Global Innovation Center at the Philadelphia Navy Yard is the world's largest research & development center dedicated to coatings and color.
Locations across the country are racing to make sure their higher ed resources are producing stem-skilled graduates. Here are our picks for the top tier of the leaderboard.
Nevada wins the most hotly contested economic development prize in years by bagging Tesla's lithium battery plant near Reno. Washington successfully pulled out all the stops to keep Boeing from leaving the state. Comcast's gleaming new tower will transform Philadelphia's skyline.
Business Facilities recognizes the three most significant economic development projects of the year: Tesla's battery factory in Nevada, Washington's retention of the Boeing facility in Everett, and the new Comcast Center in downtown Philadelphia.