Updated for 2024! An interactive companion to our annual 2024 Site Seekers’ Guide print edition, Business Facilities’ Location Profiles are comprehensive, up-to-date sources of economic development news, contacts, targeted growth sectors, rankings and more for relocating and expanding companies. Tap into unlimited free access to valuable information that will make your site selection and location decisions easier.

Panama Canal

Port Of Savannah Moved Most Export Containers In Start Of 2020

Among Savannah’s top export commodities, raw cotton, wood pulp, and kaolin clay were the biggest gainers for the first five months of the year.

Expanded Panama Canal Officially Opens

The largest enhancement project since the canal opened in 1914 will provide the world's shippers, retailers, manufacturers and consumers with greater shipping options, better maritime service, enhanced logistics and supply-chain reliability.

June 26 or Bust

There may be "still a lot of work to do," but officials insist the expanded Panama Canal will be open for business by the end of next month.

Home Stretch: The Panama Canal Expansion

When the project was announced nearly 10 years ago, the new-and-improved 77-kilometer waterway through the narrow Isthmus that connects North and South America was expected to reopen for business in time for the 100th anniversary of the Canal in 2014. But the daunting engineering challenge of building a third set of new locks—and a toxic combination of legal and labor issues—rendered that deadline unrealistic almost from the get-go.

FEATURE STORY: Ringing The Bell For Growth

With huge reserves of low-cost energy, world-class R&D facilities and streamlined grants that yield solid returns, Pennsylvania wants everyone to know it’s ready to take on all comers.

Isthmus Interruptus

The world’s most important development project—the expansion of the Panama Canal—may not be completed for another two years.

Colliers International Predicts Moderate Growth For The Global Economy In 2014

Global investors will look to second-tier foreign markets for new investment opportunities.

NOLA Tops Logistics List, San Jose Leading IT Hub
In BF’s 2013 Metro Rankings Report

New Orleans, Newport News (VA), Baltimore and Philadelphia are standouts in our Logistics Leaders (Ports) category.

INDUSTRY FOCUS: Points of Entry for Cash-Rich Cargo

At least $13 billion in public investment is earmarked for port development in the next decade. With the expansion of the Panama Canal and steady growth of U.S. exports, developers and investment interests are bullish on U.S. ports. From the January/February 2013 issue

Seaports Safe Harbors for U.S. Industrial Real Estate Sector

Seaports proving to be safe harbors for U.S. industrial real estate sector, despite a turbulent global economy; big box space close to seaports is disappearing fast.
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