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Four Alabama Firms To Work On New Airbus Assembly Line

The new assembly line will allow Airbus to accelerate production of its A220 passenger jet and will increase its Mobile workforce by over 430 employees.

SSAB Investing $100M In Alabama Steel Mill

The Sweden-based company will increase steel production capacity and create up to 50 jobs at its plant in Axis, AL.

Continental Motors Investing $75 Million In Alabama Factory

The company's “Blue Marlin” project will transform its aircraft-engine manufacturing operations at the Mobile Aeroplex into an advanced manufacturing facility.

Austin, Charlotte, Denver Are Tops In BF’s Growth Chart

Austin, TX has been named the top metro for Economic Growth Potential in Business Facilities' 13th Annual Rankings Report.

Cover Story: Workforce Training Is Job One

Winning the race to fill the high-tech jobs of the 21st century requires an ongoing commitment to match educational programs with future business workforce needs.

Snapshots: 60 Seconds… With Greg Canfield, Alabama Secretary Of Commerce

Alabama is accelerating its jobs incentives and upgrading its training programs to attract prospective businesses to the state.

Cover Story: 2014 Business Facilities – Metro And Global Rankings

In this year’s Metro Rankings Report, we’ve taken note of the crucial role exports are playing in the Recovery for many locations by charting their success in two of our rankings categories, Exports Growth Leaders and Exports Recovery Leaders. We've also included our Global Rankings within this story.

Business Facilities’ 10th Annual Rankings Report: Austin, Baton Rouge, Mobile Leaders In Growth Potential

The burgeoning high-tech industry in Austin has made Texas the second-largest semiconductor job market after California, while public-private partnerships in Baton Rouge spur initiatives in new high-growth sectors.

COVER STORY: 2013 Business Facilities Rankings Report – Metro And Global Rankings

Baton Rouge tops the field in economic growth potential; China surges into the lead in renewable energy investment. From the July/August 2013 issue.

Baton Rouge Named No. 1 Metro For Economic Growth Potential
In Business Facilities 9th Annual Rankings Report

Mobile, Youngstown and Shreveport also made our top 10 with dynamic new growth sectors thriving alongside traditional manufacturing.

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