Updated for 2025! Tap into unlimited free access to valuable information that will make your site selection and location decisions easier.

Industrial Development

Meeting Big Power Demands In North Carolina

North Carolina Power, ElectriCities
How North Carolina public power communities are meeting demands for electric-intensive projects.

The Last Word: Rural & Reshoring

rural locations
Due to reshoring and other shifts, rural locations are attracting increased attention from site selection teams.  

Powering The Industrial Sector: Flexibility, Capacity And Sustainability

Entergy Economic Development
Entergy’s specialized expertise in the industrial sector combined with a reliable power supply and critical site infrastructure are vital for sustainable economic growth.

Ready For Business In Pasco County, FL

Bill Cronin, President/CEO, Pasco Economic Development Council, shares how this high-growth region on Florida’s west coast offers sites, facilities, and quality of life.

Arizona Attracts ‘Record Investments,’ ‘Major’ Economic Wins

Arizona saw nearly 100 companies commit projects to the state in 2023, In addition to its interest in growing its semiconductor industry footprint.

$3.1B Invested Along Norfolk Southern’s Rail Network Last Year

In 2023, Norfolk Southern helped 62 industrial development customers generate 4,156 new jobs along its rail network.

Florida Is Shining Bright

Changing lifestyle choices are helping Florida gain an edge against other states in the battle for awareness among corporation executives.

Norfolk Southern Supported Nearly $2B In Investment In 2019

Industrial customers across 16 states developed 54 new and 23 expanded rail-served commercial projects which are expected to create more than 1,160 jobs.

Duke Energy Selects Five South Carolina Properties For Potential Industrial Development

Ideal candidates for Duke Energy's site readiness program are 75 acres or larger, served by the utility. A qualified site can be either best suited for a single, large industrial facility or data center, or well-suited for a potential industrial park (multi-tenant site).

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