The region’s large, skilled workforce, high quality of life, pro-business climate and creative office space options like The Circuit were attractive draws for the company.
Following the recent closure of $3,200,000 in venture funding, ChartSpan Medical Technologies, Inc. will bring 300 new healthcare jobs to downtown Greenville, SC.
Norway is the most prosperous country, while Singapore is the most successful country economically, according to the 2015 Legatum Prosperity Index™. The report ranks 142 countries across eight categories: the Economy, Entrepreneurship & Opportunity; Governance; Education; Health; Safety & Security; Personal Freedom; and Social Capital.
Company plans to build six-story building on Theatre Square and create 500 new jobs. Once it completes a merger with Atlanta-based Gentiva Health Services Inc., Kindred will become one of the largest health care companies in the U.S.
Energy production is one of the largest economic engines in Mississippi, providing 28,000 jobs in a thriving sector that continues to attract new investments. From the July/August 2013 issue.