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Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Georgia Ports Receive Nearly $49M Clean Ports Investment From EPA

Clean Ports Investments, Georgia Ports Authority
The Georgia Ports Authority plans to use the funds to upgrade the Port of Savannah and the Port of Brunswick with vessel shore power systems.

EPA To Establish Four Stormwater Centers Of Excellence

Located in New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Nevada and Maryland, Centers of Excellence will conduct research and provide technical assistance to improve stormwater infrastructure across U.S.

Los Angeles Tops 2024 ENERGY STAR Cities List

Washington, DC; New York; Atlanta and San Francisco round out the top five cities for ENERGY STAR certified buildings that cut energy costs while increasing efficiency, reducing emissions.

Los Angeles Is Top City For EPA ENERGY STAR Certified Buildings

Los Angeles; Washington, DC; Atlanta; San Francisco; New York are top five cities for EPA ENERGY STAR Certified Buildings.

Los Angeles Tops EPA Cities For ENERGY STAR Certified Buildings

District of Columbia, Atlanta, San Francisco, and Dallas round out top five, cutting energy costs while increasing efficiency, reducing emissions.

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