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Devens: Winning The Battle For Business

Where troops in full battle gear once lined in formation, high-tech execs squint to take aim at targets today—this time with new patents and breakthroughs in their sights.

The World Is Coming To Tennessee

Tennessee’s red-hot financial sector, which has added more than 24,000 jobs in this decade, continues to attract foreign direct investment from global asset management leaders.

Startups: Knowledge-Based Heart Of Canada

Fredericton, Canada has developed an entrepreneurial hub that is a one-stop shop where startups can access a variety of programs to spur new businesses.

Editor’s Picks: Incentives

Locations are crafting incentives that target specific growth sectors, provide support for entrepreneurs and attract projects, promising a bevy of high-wage, high-tech new jobs.

Nevada: New Business Is Welcome, New Taxes Are Not

There are no personal income taxes, corporate taxes or an inventory tax in Nevada—just a pro-business climate that is attracting a bevy of new jobs.

Call Centers: Improving the Conversation

Call centers are staying ahead of the curve with unified omnichannel communications, better analytics and instant feedback from social media.

Rhode Island: An Engine For Economic Growth

Businesses located within the Quonset Business Park account for 14 percent of Rhode Island’s manufacturing jobs, with another 1,300 coming soon from Electric Boat.

Travel Push for Tourists

The tourism industry supports nearly nine million jobs in the U.S., but a dip in overseas visitors in 2017 has led to the creation of the Visit U.S. Coalition to put out the welcome mat.

Snapshots: 60 Seconds With Paul Helton, LED FastStart

Paul Helton, Executive Director, LED FastStart, discusses the recruitment, training and support services at the heart of one of the nation's top workforce development programs.

Digital Transformation: A Safer Supply Chain

As the logistics industry moves the global supply chain onto digital platforms, experts are warning that vulnerabilities to cyberattacks must be addressed.

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