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Cover Story: Global Biotech Report

The global life sciences industry has adopted an attitude of cautious optimism, expecting reliable growth that will fall short of pre-recession investment surges.

Cover Story: Global Biotech Report 2015

There hasn’t been a lot of good economic news coming from Europe these days, but the continent is getting a much-needed boost from its growing biotech/pharma labs.

Cover Story: Global Biotech Report

A resurgent bioscience sector pulls Europe into recovery, while U.S. biotech leaders train the next generation of an essential skilled workforce.

COVER STORY: Global Biotech Report

As the global financial system continues to mend, venture capital is beginning to flow back into the biotechnology sector. In Europe, the largest biomed players are thriving, while entrepreneurial biotech start-ups gain traction in the U.S. From the March/April 2013 issue.

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