Posted by Heidi Schwartz

The Runzheimer International® Total Employee Mobility® (TEM®) Benchmarking Report shows that companies with high revenue growth (greater than 10%) invested more in their mobile workforce than companies with little to no revenue growth. High growth companies invested an average of $11,779 per mobile employee, compared with an average of $6,527 for low growth companies.
The report also revealed that high growth companies employed a higher percentage of mobile employees than companies experiencing low growth. More than 85% of survey participants reported “improved employee productivity” after implementing enhancements to their mobility programs. The results illustrate that mobility programs and investments are a key ingredient for growth.
Additional key findings of the survey include:
- Companies using an expense management automation solution spent an average of $2,775 less per traveler than companies using paper-based reporting;
- Domestic relocation program spending increases are anticipated by 36% of respondents in the next year with 12% anticipating a ‘substantial increase’ in domestic relocation spending; and
- Mobile device policies are not present in 37% of respondents’ organizations.
The 2012 Total Employee Mobility Benchmarking Report, in its eighth edition, covers key areas of employee mobility including Business Vehicles, Business Travel, Mobile Device Management, Domestic Relocation and International Assignments.
“We’re pleased that the survey findings show that many companies recognize the need for—and have implemented—solid mobility management practices,” said Greg Harper, president and CEO of Runzheimer International. “The survey findings also demonstrate the opportunity for low growth companies to re-evaluate their mobility management programs to ensure the right policies, processes and investments are in place to enable growth.
“Growing companies are investing more in mobile employees, and it is paying off,” Harper added. “This theme is consistent with prior survey findings, but it has never been as evident as in this year’s results.”