Business and elected leaders in Clarksville-Montgomery County, TN were presented this week with Business Facilities’ 2009 Economic Development Deal of the Year Silver Award by Ted Coene, Group C Media Inc. co-president and Chief Business Officer of Business Facilities.
Clarksville-Montgomery County won the Silver Award for its Hemlock Semiconductor project, a $1.2-billion polycrystalline silicon plant that will anchor a green energy supply chain in Tennessee for solar panels and semiconductors. The project was honored by a judging panel of industry experts and Business Facilities Editorial Board Members who reviewed nominations of 19 big-ticket projects submitted by 15 states and MSAs.
“As an award winner, you have joined a select group of industry leaders who have received Business Facilities’ highest annual citation,” Coene said at the awards ceremony, which was held Tuesday at F&M Bank in Clarksville.
“Our judges told us that the decision by Hemlock Semiconductor to locate its new polycrystalline silicon plant in Clarksville’s Commerce Park after a site selection competition that encompassed 70 potential locations on five continents was more than enough to earn this honor. The judges were particularly impressed by what this project represents to the economic future of this region and the undeniable statement it makes that Tennessee intends to be a leader in the green energy supply chain.”
Accepting the Silver Award were Clarkesville-Montgomery County Mayor Carolyn Bowers and EDC Chairman Mark Holleman, as well as local business and elected leaders.
The Economic Development Deal of the Year Silver Award ceremony made front-page news in The Leaf-Chronicle, Clarksville-Montgomery’s daily newspaper. [to read full newspaper article, go to}
Coene noted that the Hemlock Semiconductor project also was a major factor in Tennessee’s selection for Business Facilities’ coveted 2009 State of the Year Award. The Group C Media co-president is presenting the State of the Year Award to Gov. Phil Bredesen in Nashville today.
The Business Facilities Economic Development Deal of the Year judging panel noted that TVA MegaSite certification, intensive environmental analysis, funding from the state’s Energy Policy Task Force, and the reduced energy costs offered by TVA all played a critical role in Clarksville-Montgomery’s successful bid for the Hemlock Semiconductor plant. Creative tax incentives and a highly skilled workforce that is ready to fill the jobs of the 21st Century economy also were cited as factors that resulted in the Silver Award selection.
Lead image provided by Leaf-Chronicle