Call For Entries
Business Facilities’ 2024 Deal of the Year Awards

Business Facilities’ 2024  Deal of the Year Awards showcase the efforts put forth by economic development organizations to secure a corporate relocation, expansion, or retention in their community.  The awards will be announced in January 2025, and the winners will be featured prominently in the January/February 2025 issue of Business Facilities.

Entries are being accepted through Thursday, November 21, 2024 (11:59pmPT), using the form below. There is an entry fee of $US75.


Any organization with an economic development mission limited to a defined city, state, or region is invited to submit an entry. Entries from both U.S. locations and locations outside the U.S. are welcome (entries must be presented in English). Each organization may submit up to three (3) economic development deals for consideration (a separate entry fee is required for each submission).

An economic development deal is defined for this purpose as any one of the following:

  • A project or effort that resulted in the relocation/expansion of a company to a location served by the entering organization
  • A project or effort that resulted in the expansion of a company already within the territory served by the entering organization
  • A project or effort that resulted in the demonstrable retention of a company that would have otherwise left, in whole or in part, the territory served by the entering organization
  • Any combination of the above
  • A “company” may be any organization, whether public or private, for-profit or not-for-profit, whose presence creates jobs, increases the tax base, and otherwise stimulates the local economy.

To qualify for entry, the company must have announced its final decision to relocate, expand, or stay put no earlier than September 1, 2023 (between September 1, 2023 and the present).

Business Facilities editors reserve the right to a) divide the entries into categories should we deem it appropriate, based on the number and quality of entries, and b) present no award in any given category or level of award, based on the quality of entries and feedback from the judges. Check out last year’s Deal of the Year winners at this link. And, see last year’s Impact Awards at this link.

If you have questions about whether a particular project or effort qualifies for entry into this awards program, please contact Anne Cosgrove, Editorial Director of Business Facilities. Call 908-433-3434. Or,  send an email to


An entry fee of $US75 is required before an entry is submitted to the judging panel. The fee can be paid online; after you Submit your entry, you will be taken to a page where you can click to access the online payment form.


  1. Please complete all pages of this entry form and check for errors.
  2. Attach a copy of the entry narrative as detailed in Scoring, Part 2 of this form.
  3. Provide your entry fee via the online form found on the next page, after you submit your entry. If you prefer to pay by check, send an email to Anne Cosgrove, Editorial Director.

Fill out the form below to enter today!


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